26 Awesome Play Dough Letter Mats: Free Download

Alphabet Placemats Blog Image

If you are working on learning the alphabet and their corresponding sounds, then these alphabet play dough letter mats will be a perfect addition!

I created these play dough letter mats as a way to bring the alphabet front and center everyday. They are super colorful, bright and contain coordinating pictures to represent the the sounds of the alphabet.

We like to work on just a couple of letters at a time for a few days and then move on to the next.

When using the alphabet placemats, you will want to either laminate or put them in sheet protectors. This will ensure that the pages stay nice as the children recreate the letters, using play dough.

Alphabet Placemats

Here is a sample of the letter “E” Alphabet Placemat in use.


An example of the different colors and characters included:

Sample Letter S
Sample Letter T
Sample Letter U
Sample Letter V
Sample Letter W
Sample Letter X

To download the Alphabet placemats, click here: Click Here to Download

Want to add even more fun to these play doughCheck out how to make your very own diy play dough that will last months!

Table of Conents

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