5 Fun Apple Counting Activities and Worksheets

These free apple counting activity printables are perfect for preschoolers and kindergartners. Below are both hands-on apple activities and no-prep apple counting worksheets. They will be a great addition to any apple-themed week or month!

Apple Counting Activities

Below are two fun hands-on apple activities for children. In these activities kids will be working on number recognition, one-to-one correspondence, counting and motor skills. Each activity covers numbers 0-10.

Example of the apple read and count activity. It shows two trees - one in black and white and the other in color with the number 2 on the trunk. It shows two apples on each tree to demonstrate how the activity works.

Read and Count Apples

The apple counting activities below will have kids practicing their counting skills, up to 10. I like to use the first one with pom poms, dried split peas and tweezers. This allows children to work on their counting skills, while also getting in some fine-motor skills.

If you would rather not have the added set up, each apple counting worksheet also includes apples that can be cut out and used in place of the pom poms.

To complete this activity, children will read the number on the tree and then place that many apples or pom poms on the tree. I like to use only the sheets that contain the numbers that the children are currently working on.

Since kids love to dig for things, I also like to bury several in the split peas. Then, when the activity is over, I will say that there are some hidden within the peas. They have a blast looking for all the hidden “apples”!

Materials needed to completed this activity:

How to Download the Apple Read and Count Activity

Grab the free read and count apple counting activity by using the button below. This free download is for personal and single classroom use only. It may not be sold, repurposed, posted on the internet or given away.

Apple Counting Mats

I like to use counting mats as a way to work on both number recognition and one-to-one correspondence. These apple counting mats print two to a page, which makes the apples big enough to count. But, not too big that you are using up tons of paper.

There are several ways that we use these apple counting mats. In what I like to call level one, children will count the number of apples on the truck. When they are done counting, I will hold up the number, say the number and have them repeat the number. They will then place the number on the empty box.

As they work more on these counting mats, they will gradually become more familiarized with the numbers. As they become more familiar, children are able to select the correct number on their own.

Once they have mastered their counting and number recognition, we may then move on to level two. Where children will be writing the number in the box. We only move to this level if the child is at an appropriate age for writing and has been practicing hand-writing. Oftentimes, between the ages 4 and 5.

Materials needed for this activity

  • Printer
  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Laminator and Laminating Pouches (optional)
  • Dry Erase Marker (optional – for writing numbers on laminated pages)

How to Download the Apple Truck Counting Mats

Grab these free apple counting mats by using the button below. This free download is for personal and single classroom use only. It may not be sold, repurposed, posted on the internet or given away.

Apple Counting Worksheets

Below are for no-prep apple counting worksheets, perfect for little learners that are working on their counting and number recognition skills.

Apple Truck Counting Worksheet

These apple truck counting worksheets come in both color and black and white. And they go perfectly with the apple truck counting mats above.

Children will count the apples in the truck and then color the correct apple that contains the number of apples they counted.

There are two sets of apple counting worksheets in this bundle. The first set covers all numbers 0-10. The following set is split up with numbers 0-5 and then 5-10. The latter set is great for younger children as they tend to have a lower attention span.

How to Download the Apple Truck Counting Worksheets

Grab these free apple counting worksheets by using the button below. This free download is for personal and single classroom use only. It may not be sold, repurposed, posted on the internet or given away.

Apple Five and Ten Frame Counting Worksheets

This bundle of five and ten frame apple counting worksheets includes worksheets in both color and black and white. Kids will read the number above each five or ten-frame and then color that many apples.

The five-frame worksheets covers numbers 0-5, while the ten-frame apple counting worksheets covers numbers 0-10.

How to Download the Five and Ten-Frame Apple Counting Worksheets

Grab these free five and ten-frame apple counting worksheets by using the button below. This free download is for personal and single classroom use only. It may not be sold, repurposed, posted on the internet or given away.

Apple Directed Drawing Counting Worksheet

With this worksheet, children will be able to practice their drawing skills. At the top of the page are instructions on one way to draw an apple. There is a box where they can practice their drawing before moving on to the worksheet.

Children will read the number in each box and then draw the correct number of apples to match the number in the box.

When it comes to drawing the apples, kids may either use the directed drawing steps or come up with their own fun creations. This worksheet is a great way to add a little bit of art into the day!

This apple counting worksheet is only in the numbers 1-5, as it can become tedious to draw the same item over and over again.

How to Download the Directed Drawing Apple Counting Worksheet

This free directed drawing apple counting worksheet can be found by using the button below. This free download is for personal and single classroom use only. It may not be sold, repurposed, posted on the internet or given away.

Apple Counting Activities and Worksheets

I hope that your kiddos enjoy these apple counting activities and worksheets. If you like receiving free printables such as these, please consider joining my newsletter. That way you never miss a freebie!

Do you have an idea for worksheet or activity that you don’t see here? Submit a request with your idea here and I may be able to create something for you!

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