Peas Counting to 10 Task Cards

Peas Count to 10

These fun Thanksgiving-themed counting to 10 task cards feature peas on a spoon. They are colorful, engaging and best of all, low prep. If you like these counting practice cards, be sure to check out all of my Thanksgiving counting task cards.

Using the Peas Counting Task Cards

In this activity, children will be counting the number of peas on each spoon and then placing the correct number in the box. Alternatively, if children are able to write their numbers, they can write the number in the box, instead.

I like to use these cards and numbers by laminating them and then placing Velcro dots on both the numbers and the empty box. This is an optional step, but the Velcro dots play a dual role that I have found beneficial.

First, it raises the numbers off the table. That way children do not have a difficult time lifting them, if they are laminated. And secondly, the numbers will actually stick to the box. That way, when the peas task card is completed, the numbers will not go flying everywhere as they begin to work on the others.

What Makes these Counting to 10 Cards Great

Using simple task cards just like these ones are some of my favorite easy ways to work on number recognition and one-to-one correspondence. These counting task cards can be used on a one-on-one basis or can be printed and placed for small group work.

They are perfect for those days when you want to work on numbers and counting, but do not want the prep and cleanup that comes with more elaborate counting activities.

Plus, the numbers can be used for several different task cards, which will cut down on prep time even further, later down the road.

For example, if you were using these counting task cards for one child, the numbers can be printed once. Then you can use them over and over, if you decide to change out the theme with one of the other Thanksgiving counting cards.

How to Download the Peas Counting Cards

The peas counting to 10 task cards can be downloaded by clicking the button below. The file will open and can be downloaded from the open tab.

Please note: it is against the terms of use to share the downloaded file or to place them anywhere on the internet. If you know someone that can use these cards, please direct them to this page where they may download the file, as well.

Peas Count to 10

Table of Conents

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